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Elaborados da Crunia

Since its foundation, Empanadas da Crunia has opted for the production of artisan products "empanadas" and cakes, for which only raw materials of the highest quality are used. In addition, with our advanced facilities and together with our production processes, we achieve a final product that respects the characteristics of the ingredients and is fully satisfactory for our customers.

Empanadas da Crunia has made innovation its main objective and that is why we are researching and developing new products, flavors and procedures to meet the needs of our customers in both professional and particular.

All products are frozen, so the distribution should always be made to controlled transport temperature. In this way, the final product is always fresh since once outside the freezer and after 40 minutes in the oven at 180º, we can enjoy these spectacular "empanadas" and cakes with all their flavor, freshness and quality.

They have a shelf life of 6 months (frozen product) and 48 hours once baked.